Hudson, NH- 6/15/2012
The Cigar Agency Global has relocated in response to the company’s rapid growth. In 2006, Victor Vitale independently founded his sales, marketing and consulting company in Nashua, NH. The Cigar Agency became Global by 2008, distributing cigars both across the nation and overseas.
Today Victor Vitale is responsible for the manufacturing and distributing of several cigar brands. The company success has resulted in a move to a much larger warehouse now located in Hudson, NH. Victor comments, “Nothing like smoking the first cigar in the new warehouse with the smoke alarm going off.” The Cigar Agency Global brand creation, sales, and international distribution will continue to grow from this new location.
Victor Vitale manufactures all his trademarked brands in Central America and the Dominican Republic. Currently in high demand is the Ortsac 1962 which is available in Bullet Proof, Habano, and San Andres. Look for new sizes to be introduced at the IPCPR this August 2012.