The Blackened M81 Robusto is a cigar born from a passion project, a collaboration of three renowned and dedicated cigar enthusiasts: Jonathan Drew, the Founder and President of Drew Estate; James Hetfield, the Co-Founder and Front Man of Metallica; and Rob Dietrich, the Master Distiller and Blender of BLACKENED American Whiskey. The journey of this cigar began with Hetfield and Dietrich, who share a love for cigars. After enlisting the expertise of their friend Drew […]
Cigar Reviews
The Big Sky Blackfoot, the final cigar of the Montana River Series, derives its name from the renowned Blackfoot River, a beloved trout stream weaving through the picturesque landscapes of Montana. In its quest to capture the essence of this natural beauty, the Blackfoot cigar takes the STARS on a flavorful journey. Crafted as a 6 x 54 toro, this Dominican cigar boasts a Mexican San Andrés wrapper, Dominican binder, and Dominican fillers, all blended […]
The Freud AlterEgo Lonsdale is a cigar that exquisitely combines the rarest of tobaccos, with a blend featuring Pelo De Oro, one of the world’s scarcest cigar tobaccos. It’s a representation of Master Blender Eladio Diaz’s personal taste, falling within the sweet spot between medium and full-bodied. The blend consists of a Dominican Grown Negro San Andres wrapper, Sumatra binder, and a medley of fillers from the Dominican Republic, including Pelo de Oro, Corojo, Havana […]
Blended by master blenders, Joel and Edel Gomez-Sanchez, the Micallef Black Toro is a recent addition that brings a bold and full-bodied character to the Micallef Cigars lineup. This cigar is the result of three years of dedicated effort and strategic planning, a testament to Micallef’s commitment to delivering exceptional cigars. They spared no expense, investing in high-grade tobacco and scaling up production at their Estelí, Nicaragua factory to reach an impressive annual production milestone […]
The Camacho Factory Unleashed 3, with its intriguing 6×50 dimensions, is a cigar that commands attention from the moment it graces your hand. Its dark, chocolate-hued Mexican San Andres wrapper immediately hints at a bold experience, but it’s not until you take that initial draw that you truly appreciate the journey ahead. The Camacho Unleashed 3 boasts a dark chocolate appearance, a testament to it’s carefully selected Mexican San Andres wrapper. The shaggy foot, extending […]
United Cigars is not merely a company or a brand; it’s an American icon with a legacy dating back over a century, offering unique cigar experiences since 1901. Following a rekindling in 2010, United Cigars has committed to continually enhance its products and services for both retail partners and consumers. Their latest offering, the United Cigars Natural Toro, showcases their dedication to excellence. The United Cigars Natural Toro presents itself with a rustic, old-world look. […]
Topper Cigars, a well-kept secret for many outside the Northeast, proudly celebrates its remarkable 125-year journey in the cigar industry. With deep-rooted ties to the Connecticut River Valley, the Topper family has cultivated enduring relationships with the region’s renowned tobacco farms, particularly those producing Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco. These invaluable connections have allowed them to source exceptional Broadleaf tobaccos for the wrapper of their special 125th Anniversary cigar, the Topper 125th Anniversary Toro. The Topper 125th […]
The Meerapfel Meir Churchill is a cigar that carries a rich history, harkening back to the legacy of Meir Meerapfel II, who established the Meerapfel cigar factory in 1876 in the quaint village of Untergrombach, Germany. This cigar, presented in 25-count wooden chests, offers a limited annual production of only 613 boxes per size, adding to its allure. While the blend’s details are shrouded in secrecy, it is rumored that the wrapper is a meticulously […]
From the very inception of E.P. Carrillo, the company has consistently emphasized the importance of collaborating with tobacco producers from diverse corners of the world. For the release of the E.P. Carrillo Allegiance, they opted to partner with the renowned Oliva Cigars from Nicaragua. This blend, crafted by Ernesto Carrillo, showcases Oliva’s world-renowned tobaccos and is produced outside his Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic, with its manufacturing process taking place in Nicaragua. The […]
El Baton, a vintage brand originally crafted by J.C. Newman in 1914, returns to the spotlight with renewed vigor and a contemporary twist. Once a popular nickel cigar, it vanished from the market in the 1920s due to the rise of machine-made alternatives. However, in 2008, J.C. Newman’s grandsons, Eric and Bobby Newman, breathed new life into the brand, reintroducing it as the company’s first Nicaraguan cigar. Grown in the fertile lands of Nicaragua, El […]